Jan aka 'half/byte' made his first electronic music on the Commodore C64, using Chris Hülsbeck's Soundmonitor, meticulously typed in from a hex listing in the 64'er Magazin. He later spent too much time in Protracker on the AMIGA and then Octamed to do his first things with actual hardware synths, forming the sadly mostly forgotten group Noisedrift (formerly known as Holocube) with a friend.
Nowadays, Jan mostly uses Ableton Live as his DAW of choice. Jan is mostly influenced by UK dance music, with his musical interest shifting slightly from US Hip Hop to UK rave and hardcore in the mid nineties and then mostly following the trends coming over from the isles. He seamlessly jumps around between Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Dubtechno, the occasional Garage inspired thing and Ambient if it suits him, just to drop a couple of Lo-Fi tracks because he can.
Music, nevertheless, is just a hobby and he likes it that way. For the future he hopes to find more ways to collaborate with other artsts.